CHAPTER II Powersim Study
Many models of simulation contain variable that they change continuously.
In other models the changes of the variable ones happen gradually in a period of extensive time; however they can
be dealt like continuous.
An example could wholesale be the amount of the inventory of a store, in a productive system of distribution,
the course of many years. In the moment in which the question of the customer it is fulfilled the inventory is emptied and that induces to
a new order towards the factory in order to re-establish the supply in warehouse.
With the time, particularly if the orders are small and frequent, as it happens in the just-in-Time system, the level of
inventory can be represented from a continuous function.
Variable the continuous ones are often variable calls of state. A continuous model of simulation defines the equations
for relazionare between they the variable ones of state so that the dynamic behaviors of the system can be study to you in
the course of the time.
A methodology in order to simulate the continuous systems is a activity-scanning approach in which the time it is subdivided in small you leave.
Le equazioni che definiscono il modello sono usate by determinare come le variabili di stato cambiano durante un
periodo di tempo.
A specific methodology of continuous simulation is called system dynamics (SD) that is dynamics analysis of systems (ADS).
System dynamics is a methodology of simulation based on it uses of the computer developed near Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) in the years fifty like one instrument for the managers in order to analyze complex problems.
Nowadays its main public is constituted still from the managers even if its I use has extended also in
academy, where university professors and students use in order to model it systems of every conceivable discipline, from the history and
literature to Biology, physics and economy.
The word “dynamics” implies continuous changes and is that that the dynamic systems make - they change continuously with the time.
Their position, or be, is not the same today like it was yesterday and tomorrow it will change still.
De la “eventi no a solas del gli de di vedere del possibilitŕ del la del silicio ha simulación de la dinámica del sistema” de Usando, tempo del mA anche modelli di
comportamento col.
The simulation is is time behind to turns out to you historical but it watches ahead also in in order foretelling the possible ones turns out to you future.
SD extension as the structure of a system is the cause of its successes or failures. This structure is represented from
a series of relations causal connected between they.
The simulations of the dynamic systems not only serve to communicate what you would happen, but also because.
This because the simulations are planned in order to correspond to what it is, or it could happen, in the real world.
System dynamics focuses on the structure and the behavior of the systems that are composed from interactions between variable.
A system dynamics model usually it takes the shape of an infuence diagram that extension the relations and interactions
between a set of variable.
System dynamics is, therefore, an approach experiences them to the systems analysis.
A way in order to understand complex systems modifying them or changing them in some way. It is also an approach for valicare
or estimating the consequences of a implementation analytics of a model or recommendations for a report of a study case.
Important to evidence that this approach door to see the organization in terms of flows and not of functions.
SD is the ideal instrument in order to support the decisional process in the planning and programming activity, in how much:
Important to predefine the level of analysis of detail to which it is wanted to be arrived or the distance that is wanted to be taken in order
better to comprise is real the problematic ones is the context.
From the methodological point of view SD it is, moreover, the much taken care of in guiding customer in the modellizzazione process and of
definition of the several ones it is made:
The customer comes also supported along all the decisional process:
The risk that can be run is in getting lost in the realization of mega-models, constructed in order to manage all variable
possible and the imaginable ones; the force of these types of system is in their ability to synthetize macro-models and to develop
the important sub-models of detail to the decisional process in action
This result can be caught up is implementing the model of departure synthesis, is developing other models and
integrating them from each other.
The process previews translate (to transform) the formal model in model computerized before in order to verify of the behaviors,
then in order to verify the decisional political in existence, projecting them and simulating some it is turns out to you is the impacts acclimatizes
them deriving from the eventual performance of the decision to take.
Every enterprise has of objects to you, more or less it formalizes to you, and it is task of the organization to monitorare the trend managerial
in order to guarantee the attainment of objects to you same.
After all it can be asserted that SD incorporates characteristics that render it especially useful for sure problems:
These two characteristics key qualify a model of system dynamics addressing in appropriate way situations
that evolvono with the time.
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