Chapter 4: The cost analysis of the outsourcing of supplyings with the A.B.C.: the case Unitec Gmbh
4.1.1. The field of Business
Unitec operates in the field of the Supply Chain Management.
In particular, it is proposed to the companies like partner for outsourcing of supplyings and the development of solutions and
specialistic applications of e-procurement.
The exact definition of the activity of Unitec is Integrated Supply Chain Management in Outsourcing.
The main scope of the activity of UNITEC is to coadiuvare the enterprises to optimize and to reduce the costs generates from
the management of one multitude to you of international suppliers.
The application of the concept of
integrated supply and Outsourcing of supplyings devised and developed from Unitec,
coadiuvato from the high degree of automation of the processes put into effect from the Information Technology, allows the
effective and efficient management in outsourcing of the activity of procurement.
Moreover the UNITEC maintains relationships with beyond Four thousand suppliers and manages a constantly modernized electronic
catalogue, permettendogli to search with much more speed and effectiveness in terms of prices, the supply entrusted them.
The mission of Unitec it is the transformation for the customers of the business fixed costs in variable costs and, at
the same time, one they reduction.
With this system, the customers can dedicate themselves totally to just
Core business, delegating to the outside all those managerial processes that absorb resources.
Unitec supplies moreover
means for the reingegnerization of the supplying procedures, it supports the business continuous improvement and the Quality
Management, and allows to generate from every cost a added value.
The proposal of solution UNITEC consists in the
externalization of the over-head managerial for industrial supplyings of products of category B and C (low cost not strategic)
through the integrated supply.
The reduction of the supplyes of warehouse practiced from the majority of the companies has
carried turns out you of economies deriving from minor requirementses financial, but esponenziale increase of the supplying
procedures has induced one.
To parity of structures the efficiency of the inner services seriously turns out compromised,
moreover the fast development and employment of new technologies obligate to the more and more supplying management and
The solution therefore consists in proporzionare the costs to the necessities so that the relationship
between cost and efficiency of the structures is direct and measurable. That is possible tramutando the part less remunerativa,
but proportionally more expensive, of the inner procedures of supplying in services from being able to acquire on the market.
In this way the immediate transformation of the fixed costs in variable costs is obtained that follow the business
conjunctural course.
Through the integrated supply the many single demands of purchase come convogliate towards the provider
that to the accomplishment of the service it reassumes the activities carried out in an only document.
In this way it will be possible to reduce hundred of invoices in arrival in one single coming from from the provider.
The grouping extends to all documents and procedures that precede the invoicing.
For the products and the suppliers who re-enter in
wrap B and C the price of the products to provision is not more in economic relation with the managerial costs insides in how
much these exceeds of many times the value of the same goodses.
Obvious that in this case he is more interesting, to the fine
economic, to take part on the costs and not on the prices.
It must consider that beyond to the cost reduction of the process,
a optimization of the prices is obtained in synergy, due to the economy induced from the volume of purchase that is concentrated
in the merceologiche areas and technological shared from more customers of the service which: Automobile, Automation, Chemistry,
Blot of it tools.
The introduction of the integrated supply allows to obtain also improvements of the logistic flow.
The arrivals can be agree to you so that the acceptance goodses can happen more in not fragmented restricted way and.
The warehouse operations could be concentrated and be velocizzate.
The dead times come therefore eliminate to you increasing
the efficiency of the prelocated structures.
The activities of control and the relati to you documents of delivery are reduced
to a pianificabile minimum.
The customer who decides, in function of the strategies of optimization and reingegnerization
of the procedures, the level of participation.
UNITEC has developed an own easy introducibile modular application in the
existing corporate structures, shaped on the business requirements, that the attainment concurs of immediately turns out to
you found, and for every module applied. The modules predisposed from Unitec are three, and conceived for being it applies
to you in sequenziale order.
With the application of the first module the management of the simple escapes of the demands
for supplying is moved to Unitec without that the property of the goodses comes transferred; with according to module, to
the service of escape of the demands for supplying, relative one to the management of the logistics and the administrative
activities joins that, that it presupposes the transfer of the property of the goodses; the third application module,
extends the outsourcing to the management of the warehouse and the data bank you of articles.
The activities transferable from are endured and it turns out to you are endured quantifiable.
The possible extensions of the modules can regard some services, like the reporting, that it allows, beyond to a precise
consultation of turn out to you record to you, the analysis of the inner and external interferences and the suggestion of
relative the possible solutions studied for reduce; moreover they are possible services of international search of
suppliers alternated to you, of modernization on the lists of the prices.
UNITEC is made available to the shipment
of part of the just personal near the enterprise customer, for one aimed management more of the operations.
It is proposed moreover also like inner supplier of software applied to you, created on measure of the found requirements.
Through the complete performance of the outsourcing administrative the inner activities of the administration and the control
are reduced radically: the customer must only interfacciarsi with Unitec communicating the amount and the type of goods
wished with to the term of delivery and receiving the goods demanded with an only invoice and an only bubble of
accompanyment through an only periodic delivery (every day, weekly magazine, salary to second of the requirements).
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