The course, reached III the edition, addresses graduated young people, assigns you to the public and private enterprises and has a differentiated distance of specialization in the areas: it trades them, control management, management of the production.
The bottom reasons that motivate the reproposition of this experience are, in the first place, positi you the replies record to you on the labor market in two previous editions and, in the second place, the requirement perceived from the companies to redesign the processes operated you to the aim to add, from ciascuna of the own activities, value for the customers.
With of the imnpiegate techniques it is usual to define "Quality Total".
The course target is to form immediately "spendibili" professionals in a specific area works them and with a detached ability to integration in the within of the managerial process in which they will be found inserted.
Seven months, from the 5 june 2000 to 9 February 2001.
The course is subdivided in three is made with the following articulation:
1°. General management (in common classroom)
Arguments: thematic areas work them, technical behavioural, technical quantitative
2°. Specialization (in separate classrooms)
Arguments: topics legacies to the profiles of escape of the discipline of specific specialization
3°. Project work (in companies)
Arguments: experimentation in the concrete of how much learned in classroom, true and own plans operated to you finalizes to develop the abilities to you to find solutions to real problems.
Cross-sectionally to the three it is made is a common module on the management and certification of the quality.