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The telematico business card of Unitec introduces to the visitor like one complete source of information. The operator seems to head very many at the communication via Internet, and he has not saved some effort in order to explain in the details just Core business: e-procurement and supply chain management in outsourcing. The company, with center in Germany, reasons evidently in "total" way, and it does not hesitate to very put to disposition the translation in eight languages of the situated one, ramificato in pages and valid pages of explanations and diagrams to support the own one mission. An amount of gives to you, business cases and information that can but tramutarsi in a "dark forest" inasmuch as the map begins them of the situated one supply only a directory of the macroarguments deal to you.
Language: Italian, German, English, French, Spanish, Danish, Swede, Portuguese
Resolution: not defined
Animation: absent
Speed of access: high