Chapter 3: The Outsourcing of the enterprise activities
and the cost analysis
3.2. The subjects of the Outsourcing
The figures implied in the outsourcing are essentially three: beyond to the enterprise that
external the own activity, we find again the provider (or vendor or outsourcer) and the enterprises to which the provider
The figure centers them is other the provider, that is that enterprise that is engaged to supply the assets
and the services demands, in the times wishes you to the enterprise that has external the activity.
Generally the provider it has to disposition a basket of enterprises to which to make reference in order to obtain the assets
and the services to supply; being able to count on a large amount of coming from demands from various customers, the vendor it
can generate savings of scale, being able to offer therefore produced and services of optimal quality to favorable prices.
Moreover, in the types of outsourcing more extensive, provider the work to tightened contact with its customers to the aim
to define strategies and objects to you, characterizing the problems and searching of the better, taken care
solutions than to introduce the changes in way it graduates them and not too much repentino, waves to avoid some it begins
them comprehensible imbalances.
In the increase of the processes outsourcing, in fact, a lot is proceeded for
degrees that some outsourcer, at first, send of the staff in the enterprise customer in order to collaborate in the
determination of the BPR strategies, or simply in order to help to form the staff in the within of the outsourcing and to
develop a job team that constitutes the interface of reference in the relations that are established in the comparisons of
the provider.
Just for how much as soon as said, the application of this managerialinstrument, presupposes to succeed
to find vendor adapted to the requirements of the enterprise: entrusting itself to operating characterized, activities
and functions are not only delegated, but competences and specificities of field are acquired, otherwise not to the capacity.
Draft of one objective, today easy superskillful condition blooming of a wide market of provider.
It is possible to classify the figures and the tipologyof outsourcing based on the mission entrusted to the supplier and the
amplitude of the mandate conferred to supplier 16 .
To second of the mission entrusted to the supplier we characterize: the Infomation Technology Outsourcing (I.T.O.) and the
Business Process Outsourcing (B.P.O.).
The Information Outsourcing technology consists in the outsourcing of the activities of development, exercise, maintenance
of the systems informed to you, in particular:
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