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Chapter 3: The Outsourcing of the enterprise activities
and the cost analysis

3.4. Advantages and risks of the Outsourcing

An always greater number of enterprises is today moving towards the adoption of the instrument of the outsourcing.
The positive consequences in along and in the short period today recognized and found are rather important.
As far as the advantages, the terziarization concurs with the enterprise:

The main risks, instead, turn out to be: The decision if to realize or less a program than Outsourcing does not have to be stopped simply to the examination of upgrades them benefits or connected risks to such choice, but it involves a careful analysis of the managerial and organizational implications that come down some.
In the first place the company must be able to manage the organizational change during the period of transition: the cases in which important organizational innovations are in fact multiple, introduced in company through of the ambitiouses change plans, then they have revealed a failure to cause is of the strong inner resistances, are of the inabilities to create the consent through an active involvement of all the corporate structure.
During this phase of transition the way turns out critical in which they come rilasciate the information with respect to the decisions taken to the apex of the company; the communication of eventual changes not still sure could create an instability climate that would go to scapito of the productivity of the company.
An ulterior aspect to hold in consideration regards the problem of the management of the human resources: it is unavoidable that many employee (above all the directed ones interested making part of the function or service yielded to the outside) are displeased of the adopted solution, therefore it is necessary to predispose in advance payment adapts you systems in order to stimulate the persons to accept the changes, thinking also next to the way in which leading the negotiation with the mayoralties.
The decisions of outsourcing presuppose moreover a change of cultural type: he becomes indispensable to know to recognize to the supplier the partner role, that it not only involves to put in common the complementary abilities to every to the parts (cooperation), but to establish also a fiduciary relationship based on the good faith and the mutual respect.
The formulation of relations with the supplier second this logic of cooperative type renders the predisposition necessary of adapts systems to you of identification of or the suppliers: beyond to the performances it puts into effect them of the supplier, is necessary to know to estimate the compatibility of evolutionary dynamics of such supplier with the future requirements of the enterprise customer.
Last but little important implication is not the necessity to decide of adapts to you to systems for the monitoring and the control of the performances of or the suppliers, profits in the phase of maintenance of the relationship: draft of systems in a position to estimating the scostamenti of the service offered from the supplier regarding of the standards of reference established contractually and to decide eventual corrective actions.


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