CHAPTER 3: The Unitec case
3.3.3 Service of international industrial brokerage
Unitec is introduced also like supplier of services of international brokeraggio, in particular of the industrial field. The job of Unitec is, in this case, that one to search the more convenient sources of supplying, in terms is of price that of quality, in whichever part of the world, upon request of the own customers.
Being expert of some segments of market, in particular of the industrial field, it can distribute efficient services and convenient.
In particular it helps the enterprises customers to explore new markets, supporting them it is in the languages that in the practical ones of import and the relati to you payments.
The fruitore of the service will have a valid support and will obtain of the savings, gives to you from the emission of a single demand for whichever product, without limits of amount or origin, and from the decrease of the number of managed suppliers.
A broker is prepared to operate in all the nations and to search ovunque the more convenient prices, addressing directly to the source.
This allows to jump numerous passages trades them, to have use of of faster supplies and than to avoid the markups of cost of the numerous intermediaries.
Operating from years in this field, Unitec has by now developed to a net of relations with the own customers and suppliers such from permettergli obtaining positions of advantage in the comparisons of the own suppliers, and consequently particularly favorable prices and conditions.
The suppliers know more and more upgrade them of Unitec in combining question, and the customers can take advantage of anch' they these benefits, obtaining to they time low prices and a service of quality.
Unitec, with to the Unitec Services&Web 26 , societies specialized in the field of the technologies Internet and its computer science division, has created various Internet-based solutions dedicated to the offices acquires and agencies connect to you, for industrial supplying via Internet.
The requirement puts into effect them of the enterprises to optimize the times and the supplying procedures have carried to the creation of Netsourcing, arrange self-service, based on Internet and completely automated.
The use of instruments informed to us, and the consequent reduction of cartacei documents, is one of the characterizing points the activity of Unitec. Netsourcing is one of the instruments of inner management of Unitec, but it is also means of connection with the offices acquires and the agencies it connects you of the suppliers and the customers, let alone a true one and just tool for the e-procurement.
Netsourcing is an application that allows to search in database a product between more than 100.000 existing currently, of approximately 5.000 different constructors.
The Database automatically is widened from the new ones gives to you coming from from the operating activities of Unitec.
In this way it is brought up-to-date constantly, following oltretutto the profile of question of the customers, that is the trend that the market assumes.
In the case in which the article or the producer it was not present, the possibility exists to forward the own demand through one dedicated procedure.
The descriptions of the particular ones are multilingual, allowing to the consultation from part of fruitori of different nationality.
Moreover the situated one of Netsourcing is visitabile always, to every hour and from whichever place.
To use this instrument allows to replace the traditional mass media and to consolidate the demands for supply, carrying to the cartacei document elimination very many, reducing drastically the supplying costs, facilitating the reperibilità of documents and allowing the sharing of the information.
In some versions of Netsourcing, an area of "Administration is present accessible Customers" from the customer, which it can therefore assign to the own suppliers a predetermined budget of expense and follow the course of the consumptions.
For the management of the maintenances it is possible to assign quite every product to a system so as to to know which machine demands more reciprocations and therefore greater participations.
It is possible to have use of of applications for activity of purchases, supplying, warehouse, tracking and reporting.
In order to have use of of this instrument for the function it acquires é sufficient to select the articles of which it is needed.
Naturally different particular can be selected houses manufacturers, in the optical of the service of integrated supply.
After to have proceeded to the shipment of the own demand, at the moment of the delivery of the materials single bubble and invoice will be received one.
Supplyings are based on demands carried out in the same system of the purchases, but with one base of gives to you supplied from the customer. The delegated agencies, which maintenance or warehouse, can directly forward questions for articles of frequent use. Communication to the office will come envoy then acquires, with the list of the sended demands.
The function tracking concurs with the customers to bring up to date itself in real time and from whichever emplacement on the situation of the procedures in course, which: of demands of elaboration of the same ones emitted order, term, state, emission directory offered of delivery, shipment, bubble, invoicing.
Last instrument of Netsourcing is the Reporting, that is the possibility to receive report to every day cadence, weekly magazine or salary of the procedures in action, to second of just the degree of qualification.
The Reporting can be static or dynamic, beyond to being personalizzabile in function of the informative necessities, graphical shape or tabellare.
Netsourcing could separately, upon request, be sold also from the service of Unitec, being totally personalizzabile and usable like effective instrument for the e-procurement.
Up to now it has been little employed because some problematic ones of it hinder the development.
In particular, because of the limited number of the suppliers gestibile with such instrument.
That forces the customers to cure at the same time is an activity of supplyings of conventional type, than one advanced, that is the e-procurement. Unitec could be the solution in order to resolve such difficulty, placing itself like reference for the purchases via Internet.
The contacts with the usual suppliers would be safeguard to you, in how much the company customer would perceive the same ones of the interposizione of Unitec, that is the only supplier, in the purchase processes.
This is a thought strategic that it would have above all to be taken in consideration from the companies of great dimensions, in order to improve the effectiveness of the own processes of supplying.
For being able to have use of of the service of Netsourcing it is necessary to only demand login and password of access through the situated Internet of the Unitec,
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