CHPATER 4: Surveying on the customers
4.2 The preparation of the questions
The new norms Vision 2000 suggest to the companies to mainly orient towards the satisfaction of the own customers, inquiring some the needs and preventing of the dissatisfaction.
For this purpose it stimulates the same ones towards the elaboration of questionnaires adapted to the scope, to subject periodically to the attention of the own customers and that they serve like guide towards the improvement of the own performances.
The more careful companies know the own points of force and weakness, and probably they put into effect already sets in action corrective and migliorative with regard to.
A surveying of such kind door in any case of the large replies, ago to discover potentiality of which it is not totally conscious, and extension which are the deficiencies mainly perceived from the customers.
Unitec has decided to carry out such surveying, taking like reference the customers who have forwarded orders in the period comprised from 01 January 2002 to 31 May 2004.
Such customers comprise are usual customers who occasional, therefore like companies that more have not addressed to Unitec from more than a year. She can therefore be considered like reliable source of information, from which us she can herself be attended is positive replies that denied to you to you.
It has been elaborated a comprising questionnaire trentaquattro questions, of which last the two optional ones.
The questions have been studied so as to to have a reply on different business aspects.
In particular, it is intentional to inquire on the type of customers possessed (questions from the 1 to the 6), on the type and frequency of I use of the business services it puts into effect them and tendential (questions from the 7 to the 14), on the points of force and the deficiencies of the service offered from Unitec (questions from the 15 to the 21), on the situated business Internet, in particular on the Netsourcing instrument (questions from the 22 to the 27) and in conclusion on the effective competition and upgrades them (questions from the 28 to the 32).
Being the first experiment of such kind, the questionnaire has revealed long more than how much they will be the successes, in how much had to give one general vision to you of the situation, most possible completes.
The questionnaire has been elaborated is in Italian who in English, in order to allow to all the customers an easy compilation.
Surveying has been carried out from 31 May 2004 to the 18 june 2004, period during which they have been sendes settecentoventinove questionnaires to you through email to as many customers.
The collaboration of the company Unitec Services&Web has been fundamental as far as the graphical part.
In fact it has been taken care to prepare an Internet interface, thanks to which the customers could compile the questionnaire on-linens, with login and one password appropriated.
The shipment of the password and the login has been generated in automatic rifle. Every customer received therefore an email containing template with the presentation of the initiative, login and password personal, and in attached the version in format a Word of questionnaire 35 , for those who they had not had the possibility to connect itself in Internet or wanted to answer through Fax.
After the first shipment, the answers have been approximately the half of those considered minimal for the validity of the same one.
It is proceeded therefore to first a prompt one of the same ones, through new shipment of such email, explaining the importance of the initiative.
Such prompt July 2004 has been carried out from the 15 june 2004 to the 06, and has been followed in immediate from last the prompt one, that telephone one, carried out from the 05 the 20 July to July 2004.
It has been decided to examine in total one hundred answers, number considered minimal for giving to significance statistics to surveying.
During the period of surveying, they are finds errors to you in the contained information in database the customers.
In fact present more attache's near the company were name you of persons not customer, in majority because of recent retirement.
Therefore they have obtained name you of the substitutes, allowing the modernization of the business informative system.
Eliminating from the total of the questionnaires it sendes the persons to you who have not been contacted for the reasons as soon as cited, and adding the persons that of they spontaneous initiative has answered, explaining the reasons of their impossibility to the compilation, she is deduced to have had a reply from the equal customers to 23% approximately.
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