The satisfaction of the customer is a fascinating topic, essentially separated but at the same
time fundamental for every company that it wants to have happened.
It is a argument dealt already from some years, but to
whose importance has been given normative relief only recently, thanks to the norms of quality Vision 2000.
For being able to comprise such argument better, I have taken part to a short course on norms ISO held near the company
Dayco Europe SpA from the Director of the Quality, Sig. Paggiarin.
The same ones suggest to the companies to turn particular attention to the own customers, supporting that such cure will not
be able that to carry remarkable advantages in the time.
To such scope, they propose to carry out periodic surveyings in
order to study the needs and the level of satisfaction puts into effect them of the fruitori of the own products and services.
With such it turns out to you, will have subsequently to be undertaken actions of continuous improvement in order to overwhelm
the gap finds to you in the waits of the customers, regarding the services receipts.
Moreover, such studies will serve in order to obtain interesting cues for the future job, let alone indications for the trend
towards which the economic field of reference it is turned.
The feedbacks of the customers go always monitorati, but
in such occasions there is the opportunity to choose which give to obtain to you, preparing surveyings second the own requirements.
The advantages deriving from these surveyings could but not to be such to justify the implementazione of a system that,
regularly, of it previews the realization and the study of turns out to you.
In order to testify the effective effectiveness
of surveyings, and therefore the convenience for the companies to adopt the suggestions of puts into effect them norms ISO,
is occupied to me to carry out of one near the company Unitec D GmbH.
The job that I have begun to carry out near such company,
beginning from May 2004, like member of customer the beloveds staff, has given the possibility to me to take contact with
the business customers and of being able to interview them, through a questionnaire realized in collaboration with my reporter,
Prof. Bertero, the General Manager, Dr. Marino, and my responsible.
Being the first questionnaire of such kind carried out near the Unitec, they are it introduces some problems to you of management
of such job, becomes simpler to you but from the support granted from the Unitec Services&Web, than it has been taken care of the
graphical part and the Internet instruments.
A positive experience has been revealed, in the first place for the increase of
the contact with the business customers, than they have been shown, to times, made curious from such proposal.
The impact has been pleasant, and is served also in order to re-establish some old relationships and to intensify of others.
Moreover it has been provided to a modernization of database the customers business, instrument of fundamental importance
for a company.
In the job introduced here I have exposed in the first place to the advantages deriving from positive
relationships intense you and with the own customers, obtainable through the constant cure of the same ones.
Surveyings of customer satisfaction do not have other purpose if not to help the enterprises in such difficult task, suggesting
methodologies and instruments adapted to the scope.
After a short exposure of the new norms of international
qualities Vision 2000, I have introduced the subject company of such surveying, the Unitec High Tech Industrieprodukte
Vertriebs GmbH.
Finally, there is the presentation of the carried out survey and of it turns out obtained to you.
Such elaboration will be of usefullness for the interviews that will be carried out in future near the customers Unitec
GmbH, with regularity anniversary, therefore like suggested from ISO 9001.
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