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Chapter 2: The supplying process

2.5. Approach to the E-Procurement

The B2B meant like with of interaziendali processes supplying customer supported from the digital technology them, is a complex world and composite in order to comprise it better we must frame the phenomenon to the inside of one outline of reading based on two aces.

Figure 2.4: Different approaches to the eProcurement. Source: study of observatory B2B of the polytechnic of Milan

The first one identifies the macro-withins applied to you in terms of processes implements to you from the new technologies, E-Sourcing from a part and E-catalog from the other.
According to axis it identifies, instead, the adoptable technological solutions, if inner, that is based on platforms of proprietá of the company, or external, that is put to disposition from operating it specializes to you.
On the base of such outline it is possible to identify the different you approach to the e-procurement, even if the Italian situation is represented from multiple various meanings of e-procurement 12 exists some cluster "popolati" represented you of main particularly stereotopi behavioural the currently present ones in our country, that they are:

They belong to this category is companies that have inner developed both the platforms (eSourcing of and eCatalog), are companies that have only internalizzato the platform of the electronic catalogue, making instead resorted to operating exteriors for the services of eSourcing.
Interesting to notice that however in the last years it has been an important evolution of the same concept of eProcurement also in our Country: reorganizing the role of the catalogue, that it remains however important, to forehead instead of a considerable increase of the importance attributed to the plans of eSourcing.
Such evolution, that it is testified from a meaningful number of companies that are using these instruments, is also in part the effect of the important role that they have carried out some operating ones specializes to you in the services of eSourcing, than, with their action, have contributed to diffuse the culture of the eSourcing between the enterprises of greater dimensions of our Country.
To forehead of an increasing number of enterprises that they begin to adopt these new instruments, the volumes of transactions in game are still limit to you for hour: draft altogether to Italian level of approximately 9,5 billions of, the greater part of which, beyond 95%, making head to applications of eSourcing.
The volumes still contained have had to a insufficient degree of use, in average, of the instruments are of eSourcing that of eCatalog also in the companies that they have already begun to use them.

Figure 2.5: Value of the transactions managed through the eProcurement. Source: study of observatory B2B of the polytechnic of Milan


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