CHAPTER 5: Conclusions
5.3 Actions for the continuous improvement of the service
It turns out to you emerged to conclusion of the job have been introduces you to the inside of the company to all the collaborators, during one dedicated reunion.
To everyone of they it has been delivered one short containing relation the sunto of the answers of the customers. Commenting with such it turns out to you, is joints to some considerations.
In the first place, in the future the attention in particolar way will be aimed at the companies of important dimensions, with which Unitec has greater and better probabilities than to establish relations.
The great part of the customers is in fact of such dimensions (like from question 2), meaning that for such types of companies the services of Unitec turn out more interesting that for the others.
They possess moreover a driven in net of relations that can represent interesting source contacts for Unitec, for being able to reperire new customers.
The companies of small dimensions instead do not represent development upgrade them for Unitec, having limited ability financial institutions and of purchase.
Localization of the future customers (question nr. 4) is from holding in consideration because useful points of support for one could be revealed penetration in nations not still known commercially.
The customers relationship could become partnership, benefitting Unitec of all the relative acquaintances to the State of belongings of the collaborating company, let alone of facilitations in constructed material reperire in such zones.
It has turned out that the Unitec customers entertain relationships trade them with numerous suppliers.
This data suggests that the contacts possessed with the function acquire (question nr. 3) can reveal many profits in order to obtain such information on other companies, a lot probably constructors and therefore upgrades them fruitrici of the Unitec services.
They can be useful also in order to find new more convenient sources of supplying for the materials already deals, or in order to discover new constructors to you. The same data is also emblema of upgrades them of future sale.
It indicates in fact that the customers do not know all the abilities to supply of Unitec, that it must therefore pubblicizzare.
This consideration is confirmed from the answer in which the customers it admits in order nearly 40% not to be to acquaintance of the number of constructors and materials deal from the company (question to you nr. 11).
More of the half of the interviewed ones they are moreover declares to you disposed to receive information with regard to (question nr. 10), demonstrating their deficiency of information, let alone to wanting to intensify the relationships with Unitec (questions nr. 12, 13 and 14, considered in progression), testifying therefore their general satisfaction in relation to the received performances. To maintain a level of elevated service, let alone to improve the same one through actions of continuous improvement, will allow to feed the positive passaparola, attracting new customers (as it turns out from question nr. 6) and increasing the relationships with it puts into effect them to it fruitori of the service.
Moreover, the suggestions give from the customers have allowed to you to characterize with clarity the aspects on the which company will have to be concentrated in order to improve, which the times of answer and emission of the offered ones, let alone the level of the prices (questions nr. 16, 17, 18, 19). The continuous improvement previews to overwhelm such gap finds to you, increasing the satisfaction and the fidelity of the customers.
A last important consideration is relative to the Netsourcing service and the situated business Internet.
The situated one web is being demonstrated more and more half in order to attract to new customers (question nr. 6), and in the future it will acquire greater importance sure.
In the course of a single year, it has allowed to acquire 14% of customers very, societies that tutt' hour address to Unitec and they are being revealed, therefore, faithfuls.
Of against, in spite of the companies they are declared, in a generalized manner, protese towards I use it of Internet in order to resolve their necessities (question nr. 33), in truth the same ones still use it in limited way.
It is necessary therefore to push the e-procurement, of which oltretutto Unitec he has been premonitory, since the great companies of it are studying for a long time the advantages in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.
From it turns out you of surveying is emerged that for hour they are still a lot uses traditional means, which fax and telephone you, is for the purchases that for every other communication (question nr. 27) but trend towards the digital communications them is clear.
The email happening has collected remarkable, being anch' they a lot used, but they do not have the same effectiveness of procurement on linens. For this Netsourcing question nr. 9 will be promoted with regular frequency near the customers ().
It will moreover be attempted to push towards the formalizzazione of Netsourcing which instrument for the emission of regular demands for offer, although such proposal previews long times of approval from part of the bureaucracy of the companies customers.
It could proporla as experience of test to the companies interested to the Internet solutions like generatrices of savings of costs. Contacting the chief buyers, such experimentation will be able to be verified which is the societies disposed to implement one.
It turns out you of surveying have suggested some actions to undertake in the next few months, in the optical of the continuous improvement of the lend service.
He is in the first place fundamental to follow the indications of the customers.
They will come therefore completed greater efforts in velocizzare the times of answer to the customers and the times of escape of the demands for offer. In particular, it has been ribadita the importance of giving a first reply to the customer, seppur partial, in the few hours, and absolutely in the same day of reception of the demand for information or communication.
As far as the improvement of the prices, already the first contacts with the agencies of logistics and the greater Unitec customers have been taken, in order to succeed to obtain more convenient prices that they affect in smaller measure the final cost.
The margins usually apply to you not are therefore high from being able to allow a general lowering of the prices, but it can be tried to work on the costs correlates to you, which note those of the transports.
Moreover, it will be attempted to obtain greater reductions in price from part of the suppliers, heading at the mutual advantages that such collaboration can guarantee.
Fundamental it will be a promozionale action, carried out from all the business collaborators, that it will come addressed is to the customers accustoms them that to upgrades them. The message directed to the new ones and upgrades them customers will head at the aspects of force of the company, confirmed also from the questionnaire.
It will come therefore emphasized the role of support of Unitec for the foreign purchases, let alone for the finding of materials difficult to find or to replace. Sometimes new customers are astonished positively in being able to speak the own language with a company that resides outside from the own borders.
To have to personal disposition poliglotta it is one of the greater points of force of Unitec, and moreover allows to undertake easyr relations is with the customers who with the suppliers.
With such he upgrades them, turns out also simpler to succeed to carry out searches in the world, for reperire on behalf of the own produced customers innovated to you, alternated to you or little known.
The message directed to the usual customers will head instead above all at the service of international brokeraggio, "historical Core" for Unitec, but not still taken advantage of in all its it upgrades them. It will be communicated that the abilities to supplying of Unitec are immenser, and that the materials and the dealt Marches, for which the customers can themselves be turned to the company, are indeed numerous.
Subsequently, the ulterior services will be introduced offers, in particular to those societies that have been declared available to receive greater information with regard to. More than all the others, will come introduced the Netsourcing service like effective instrument for the e-procurement. In order to widen of the acquaintance, provvederà to supply password of access to all the most interested companies that have declared desire to receive it and for will be produced of the personalized versions.
In order to end, the suggestions will be taken in consideration receipts from the customers for the improvement of the service.
As an example, the technical cards available will be included in the offered all and will come taken in consideration the possibility to modify the password for Netsourcing, upon request of the fruitore of such instrument.
They preview for the future to organize a similar surveying with cadence anniversary, therefore as suggested from it puts into effect them norms ISO. The experience carried out with this surveying will be of suggestion for the next ones.
In the first place, they will be it prepares to you questionnaires short and it aimed to you on different arguments, in order not to bring excessive disturbance to the customers, but to provoke some instead the curiosity. The attention will be aimed in particular at the companies that, this time, intentional or have not been able to proceed to the compilation, in order to succeed to obtain more and more reliable information.
Moreover more specific questions will be elaborated, in relation to the arguments of time in time it considers you interesting and to the information that are decided to obtain.
Prompt the telephone one will come anticipatamente carried out, in concomitanza with the shipment of the questionnaires, in order to make yes that the job is concluded in an arc of short time.
Moreover, the business dependent will come asked councils all on the questions to place.
During the reunion of presentation of this job, some ideas for the next questionnaire are emerged already.
One of the questions more interesting regards desire to receive business visits from part of Unitec collaborators, or less.
It is sure an important question mark, in how much periodically come organized visits near the companies customers.
These answers would serve like guide for the study of the routes to follow, leaving from the zones richer than interested companies, and eliminating the visits to the companies absolutely not been involved from such desire.
All the answers of the carried out questionnaire will remain visible through net Intranet from all the business collaborators, with the possibility to visualize also the names of the persons who have compiled it.
Also the future surveyings will have such formulation, of way that all can approach the information, to formulate proposed
with regard to and trarne personal considerations in order to improve the job characterize them and collective.
The surveying carried out near the Unitec D Gmbh has been, in its complex, a positive experience for the company.
Disturbance to the customers has not procurato, but indeed it has pushed to strengthen the existing ties.
Moreover, the obtained information have been numerous and important, but above all useful because they will come used in
order to increase the quality of the service, direzionandolo towards the needs expressed from the same customers.
To carry out such job has needed, naturally, of time from part of all the collaborators, but it has not burdened the daily
job of the same ones. Some replies, decidedly positi, have allowed to you to create a situation of gratification for the
carried out job, while others, plus criti to us, have carried the collaborators ponderare on their mancanze, seen from
the point of view of the fruitori of the services, of which often it is not conscious.
It can therefore be considered like a point of intermediate appraisal, thanks alla which conscience has been taken strongly is
goddesses heads of force of Unitec, than goddesses gap that they will be from overwhelming.
It will be stretched to being able to distribute an excellence service more and more, let alone in degree it is to
satisfy in full load the own customers, than to reduce lessened the competitive advantages you of it upgrades them concurrent.
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