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CHAPTER 5: Conclusions

5.1 Directives ISO for the elaboration of the questionnaire

To leave from 2004, the companies of whichever field are invited to certify new norm ISO 9001 second, become simpler in the directives regarding previous editions.
In particular, such new norm is centralized on the corporate structure for processes, and on the customer satisfaction.
This last one permeates all the business activities, to leave from the planning of a product or service, until the performances post-sale for the same one.
The satisfaction of the customers is, beyond to primary task of every enterprise, source of survival and profit for the same company. The norms of quality Vision 2000 try to support the enterprises indicating some methods for monitorare such satisfaction, let alone spurring them to work considering the own customers fulcrum of every activity.
The direction would have to establish effective and efficient processes in order to collect, to analyze and to use the relative information to the own customers, to the aim to improve the performances of the own organization.
Between the methods it advises in order to collect such give to you to you is surveying of customer satisfaction, carried out periodically through questionnaires dedicates to you. The process adopted from the company in order to obtain the feedback from part of the customers, in reference to their satisfaction, would have to possess continuity character.
It would have moreover to supply information in merit is to the conformity of the service lend to requirement, than to the correspondence to the requirements and expectations of the customers, to the prices offers and the terms of delivery of the products.
Such process would have to establish of the precise methods for the collection of gives to you, including the information sources, the frequency of the collection of gives to you and to the re-examination of the analysis the same ones.
The obtained information such analyses would have to be use you from the ' company in order to take decisions effective and in order to characterize the areas for the improvement and the possible benefits for the interested parts.
In planning the corrective actions, useful cues come from the claims of the customers, stimulate also through adapted questions to you in surveyings. The advantages of such monitoring are remarkable and allow to obtain precious information, let alone to study methods that allow the saving of costs it provokes from one not optimal management to you of the processes.
Unitec has followed such directives in elaborating surveying. The continuity character will be respected, in how much will come carried out annually near the customers. Moreover they have been placed questions is in reference to the general satisfaction of the same one, than to the prices offers and the terms of delivery of the goods (questions from the 16 to the 21).
The collection of the information will include always all the customers who have carried out orders in the arc of last the two years and the analysis of such gives to you will come carried out to conclusion of the job, being involved all the business collaborators.
They will come taken consequent decisions for the improvement of the lend service, monitorando, with the successive analyses, than the gap it finds to you have been overwhelms to you, if it does not exceed to you.
In contrary case, provisions different will be taken in order to eliminate the causes of possible dissatisfaction of the customers.

5.2 The advantages of carried out surveying

The implementazione of a similar surveying near the company Unitec D GmbH in Germany has demanded many efforts, the first one of which is consistito in the elaboration of the questions to place the customers.
Being the first questionnaire centralized on a precise argument proposed from the company, they potentially give to you to collect were numerous, but the questions to place had to be limited, for very being able to be chip axes from the customers. It has been finally stilato a containing questionnaire 34 questions, of which only three opened (that is nr. the 18, 26 and 32). The greater part has been stilata in shape sluice, in order to facilitate of and velocizzarne the answer.
They have been then selects the customers to you to interview, turns out to you all those who have forwarded orders to leave from 01 January 2002 until 31 May 2004. They have been included therefore also those who have carried out a single order in such arc of time, and that they are revealed for these precious sources of information.
They can in fact indicate the reasons of one possible latent dissatisfaction, not being itself more revolts to the company. USW 38 has supplied to implement the graphical part of the job.
In the first place it has been taken care of the creation of the template ones of the communication for the customers, envoy through mail, with the questionnaire in format Word like attached.
Surveying has been prepared also in format Web, directly compilabile through Internet.
The shipment of the questionnaires has been facilitated from some instruments introduced in the situated business Intranet, thanks to which was possible, selecting one whichever company, to directly send the communication to all the contacts possessed near the same society. In automatic rifle, they came generates to you login and password personal for every adressee.
It has been prepared also an interface through which it turns out to you came directly elaborates to you, drawing of histograms illustrated to you. This gives to you is available hour in business net Intranet and consultabili from all the collaborators.
It is possible to trace the person that it has selected one given answer, so as to to be able to use concretely turns out to you.
As an example, like in the question number 25, for being able to equip such customers of password for Netsourcing and authorizing them therefore to I use of the same one.
It is from noticing that the attitude of all the customers towards such questionnaire has been positive.
Nobody has stall lamentele with regard to, indeed some have been made excuses in order not to have been able to proceed to the compilation because of little the time to disposition, and others have spontaneously taken contact, through mail or by telephone, explaining the motivations that caused their impossibility to the compilation.
Between the causes there are mainly the belongings to fields in not directed contact with Unitec, as an example that accountant, or the limited acquaintance of the company, due to irregular relationships as soon as established or, than it did not allow to emit a judgment on the lend service. These information allow already of being able to decide of future advantages; in the preparation of the next questionnaires, such contacts will not come beginning right now held in consideration, knowing that they will not be able to collaborate to surveying.
To have to contact the customers in order to speed up the writing of the questionnaire has allowed to strengthen the relationships with some companies, with which one was had irregular relation. New reasons of contact have been created, been born having to introduce the initiative and to explain the possible methodologies of compilation. At the same time, information have been obtained on the needs put into effect them of such customers, spurring them to address to Unitec for reperire the materials need to you.
Some companies, with sporadic relationships, have been dealt with the same importance of the best customers, parificando their opinion to that one of these last ones. Such companies have then, in the successive weeks, resumed to forward demanded of purchase to Unitec, increasing the relationships.
The aspect more important up to now remains but the collection of precious information for the enterprise, that they serve to study methods of improvement of the lend service, let alone to having a general reply on the carried out job.
They are analyzes to you is the positive aspects, than those denied to you to you. Between first the cordialità of the staff re-enters, strongly perceived from the customers, much from posizionarla to the first place in the graduatoria of the satisfaction.
Between the second ones, we find instead the slowness of the answers the customers, and on the times of escape of the demands for offer, on which absolutely must place particular attention.
We moreover remember that the prompt one to the answers has been involved the business collaborators having management responsibility customers, inducing a strengthening of the external relations.
An pleasant climate has been created, in which supplying and customers were been involved in a common plan, but above all the customers have thought indeed important to emit just the judgment.

  • Note 38: Unitec Services&Web, in Sabaudia (Italy).


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